First Impression in Interviews

"First Impression is the best impression" is a well know quote to everyone around the globe. When we attend any training to equip ourselves to ace interviews, the trainer will say your first impression plays a major in the selection process. And you know there needs to be a good first impression, but you don't … Continue reading First Impression in Interviews

Study before your interview

Interviews are assessing your capability to check whether you will fit for the that job you have opted. Interviewee is always getting confused what to study and what not to study before an interview. To be frank, there are no rules set for any interviewer to ask systematic questions. As an interviewer they are going … Continue reading Study before your interview

Turn the interview to your side

Interview are the most complicated one in anyone's life as a fresh graduate. There will be around one or many person asking you a lot of general as well as theoretical question to test your knowledge. We don't know how to tackle those people while they ask questions, but you can easily turn the interview … Continue reading Turn the interview to your side