Career_LadderAll the interviews happening around the world have only one goal from the candidate point of view. He/She just want to impress the interviewer so that they will fetch a job in the company. Even if the company is putting you into number of interview, your duty as a candidate is to get through that round by impressing you interviewer. If you are impressing your interviewer that should not explicitly exposed. They can easily identify you if you are trying to do so. So where does it start, is that only in the board room that your interview is schedule. No, there are many other places where candidates need to concentrate on to get the interviewers’ attention. Interviewers consider lot of cues while selecting a candidate. One should know where it starts and how it should be done. I hope this post can help you in getting an idea on how to impress the interview.

Before the Interview:-
These points have been already discussed many times. They are, prepare well for the interview, press your cloth well before you interview date, pool up the things required for the interview well before you start, check with the timings of the interview. Here I would like to emphasis more on how to impress the interviewer. So it starts with mails.
          Mails are mostly used while communicating about the job opportunity. Normally if the interviewer sends you bulk email, you will get emails from the email id where you cannot send reply email. If in case the interviewer sends you a personal email from his email id (example: then you can reply to him with the confirmation.
            Reply to the email professionally, it doesn’t mean that you need send it in the letter format. You will have to greet the interviewer/ recruiter first with a “Hi” followed by the name of the interviewer. Normally in companies people like them to call by their first name so you can use this format. In exception UK, you need to call them by their Last name with Mr, Mrs, Ms added to it. Your email should start with the right tone, and then followed by the message in two lines.
            The elements should include the confirmation along with the date and time. If you have any problem with the schedule given by the interviewer you can ask him for an excuse and tell him the time that it will be convenient to you. Normally they give you some exemptions in this else they will intimate you if there is no change in the schedule.
Eg) Hi Maverick,
             I am happy to get an opportunity to meet you for an interview; I would like to confirm my presence for the interview at the scheduled time.
Your email write will help the interviewer to remind you during the interview. So have a good write up.
 Your resume need to be very clear and it should match the job. Also remove all the clutter information provided in the resume. Resume is a summary not an essay. In this post you will get to know about how to prepare your resume. Click here 
At the day of Interview:- 
             You are not going to meet the Interviewer directly. When you go to the company you will encounter the watchman followed by the receptionist. Nowadays all the companies outsource the security works to third party people. But the receptionist plays a major role in conveying your attitude to the HR person. I have personally noted people behave rude to the receptionist if they ask them to wait. So as Interviewee please have patience before you attend the interview. Please give a broad smile first, submit your resume to the receptionist, and check whether there is any procedure to be done by you. Like you might be asked to fill up a form or you may have to enter into a separate cabin for interviewing. Hence check what you are supposed to do. Then your sitting posture and the way you speak to the receptionist will send signals in analyzing your attitude. It’s better to avoid using mobile phones while you wait for your turn, when the HR person comes out in search of you, and then you might be engaged with a call. So it’s always better switch off you mobiles phones. 
During Interview:-
         External appearance only creates an image in the interviewer minds initially, so wear nice formal wear for the interview.  We have already discussed in the previous post about giving handshake. So while entering the hall have a stiff walk and give handshake. Please do initiate if the interviewer is not doing it. Later talk with confidence, don’t show your nervousness, speak truth, know what you have given in your resume, two weeks of preparation before the interview will help you in answering the questions, don’t ask the interviewer to repeat the question, and know about the company. If you get any opportunity to ask question, please do ask don’t forget to ask any question. Once your interview is over give a firm handshake and come out of the hall. Thank the interviewer as well as the people who supported in attending the interview (within the company).
After the Interview:-
           Normally the interviewer will complete the interview in the same day and announce the result immediately. Sometimes they will tell you that they will get back to you in a day or two. In that case, don’t call the interviewer after a day and then check about your result. It’s better to wait for the time gap that they have given to you. If you are not getting any call after two days give them a call and check about your status. In any situation, thank them for the opportunity given and close the call. Its better you can ask for a feedback about your interview through an email, which will help you in correcting you mistake, if you have done any. This shows your interview towards the company; there are chances if any of the candidates chosen by them failed to join. Certainly you will get a call.
 Don’t approach the interview with the aim to impress the interviewer; instead try to expose your talents so the interviewer gets inspired by you.

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